There are several “balls in the air” when it comes to supporting technologies that will unlock VR’s true potential. There’s positional tracking, resolution, frame rates, field of view, light fields and all the things that enable deeper levels of immersion.
One of those technologies is haptics — the science of physical touch-based feedback. We’re seeing interesting technologies developed, but most have adoption barriers including costly wearable hardware like gloves or suits.
Ultrahaptics is one company differentiating by eliminating those points of friction (literally in this case). Its methodology is to shoot precise ultrasound waves at the skin to create haptic feedback. It can sync with VR visuals to create a deeper sense of presence.
We discuss Ultrahaptics’ technology and market positioning in the latest episode of ARtillry Innovators. VP of Strategic Partnerships Robin Alter joins us to discuss haptics’ place in VR’s evolution. And it’s not just VR… ultrasound creates a sort of alternative AR.
We discuss these matters and more on the episode, which you can see in full below. Stay tuned for more, and let us know if you’d like to be a guest on the show or have topic suggestions for future episodes.
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