What’s the current snapshot of VR and AR; and where do the biggest near term opportunities lie? We took a data-grounded approach to answering these questions during a recent presentation (video below).
With roughly 17 million VR headsets sold to date, The sector’s momentum is clear but it still pales in comparison to current ubiquitous hardware. The latter is represented by the $2.6 billion smartphones in use globally.
That points to a nearer term opportunity for mobile VR (Daydream, GearVR, etc.). It also points to opportunities with temporal VR experiences that don’t include an upfront HMD purchase, such as VRCades and VR Trucks.
The same goes for AR: We’re not technologically (nor culturally) there yet for smart glasses ubiquity. So mobile is showing the way for a “good enough,” but more importantly scalable opportunity for AR. And there are other wild cards.
We unpack all of this in our latest presentation, which can be seen below. And in true “eating our own dogfood,” style, it’s presented in mixed reality, including a combo of graphics and live action.