Enterprise AR’s effectiveness and ROI continue to be demonstrated. And that’s exactly what the field needs at this point, to boost adoption and counterbalance some of the early enterprise adoption barriers.

The latest comes from Upskill, which reports a few key metrics that it’s seeing among its enterprise AR clients. Specifically, it has helped clients achieve 10-34 percent faster projects, 8-46 percent better worker ergonomics and 18 percent higher first-time fix rate.

These data points map to the types of metrics that are important to enterprise AR users. As we’ve examined in the past, time is money when it comes to AR’s advantages. But another key metric highlighted by these data is error reduction. A higher first-time fix rate can have real cost savings.

Ergonomics is also an interesting metric, and one we haven’t seen reported much. But it does have real impact in that more ergonomically-correct work can improve longevity and performance. That’s the case within a given workday but also in terms of longer term worker health.

For more — including time-lapsed (sped-up) footage of AR’s real affect on enterprise project time — see the video below. This comes from Upskill’s Jay Kim and his presentation at January’s ARIA conference at MIT. Meanwhile, we’ll continue bringing you data and proof points for XR’s impact.

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Disclosure: ARtillry has no financial stake in the companies mentioned in this post, nor received payment for its production. Disclosure and ethics policy can be seen here.

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