This article examines the latest episode of The AR Show. Based on a new collaboration, episode coverage will join the AR Insider editorial flow including narrative insights and episode audio. See past and future episode coverage here.
In this conversation, Paul talks about market evolution and the current state of the art from Vuzix.
As a company, Vuzix focuses on the form factor as a critical design element when creating their products, and Paul disagrees with the alternative approach of creating large, bulky headsets that are difficult to wear for extended periods of time.
Paul goes on to discuss the use cases that will drive early consumer adoption, and the potential impact of Apple releasing their own pair of smartglasses.
We also debate the pros and cons of displays technologies, including DLP, laser beam scanning, and micro LED, as well as the tradeoffs of having a single display versus glasses with displays covering both eyes.
See the full episode details and audio here.
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